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August 7, 2024

How Ready Are Students For Live Learning Online?

Filed under: Uncategorized — новый @ 9:00 pm

In the last few decades, the way we learn has changed drastically. Online learning methods have replaced traditional classroom-based classes. They blend the flexibility of prerecorded classes with class meetings that are held via real-time software. But even these online methods can still fall short for students who prefer the real-time interaction of a face-to-face classroom.

Live online learning is a great alternative strategy to other online learning strategies. It permits students and instructors to interact in real time via videoconferencing applications such as Zoom. The classes offer students the chance to ask questions, clarify confusion, and gain a more understanding of the content of the class.

While live learning has numerous advantages, some students could struggle to adapt to the online learning format. This http://www.legalwebtech.com/generated-post-2/ study examines the students’ readiness for online learning and identifies the key factors that influence this. The results show that the most influential variables are motivation for learning and online communication, as well as self-directed learning capabilities. Researchers also conducted a post-hoc test as well as a multi-group analysis to compare gender differences between undergraduate and graduate students. It was discovered that postgraduate students are more levels of preparedness in the majority of aspects of live-learning compared to undergraduate and sub-degree students.

It is suggested that instructors establish clear expectations regarding what students need to be aware of and learn prior to, during, and after a Live Session. This includes providing additional materials like notes, gist-based quizzes, concepts maps, outlines and study guides. Instructors should also create activities that reinforce what students have learned – such as reviewing, practicing debating, discussing, and analyzing.

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